Class "EntityKnife"


GetKnifeDistance () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

float GetKnifeDistance ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

GetKnifeVelocity () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

float GetKnifeVelocity ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

GetRenderZ () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

int GetRenderZ ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

IsFlying () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

boolean IsFlying ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

Reset () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

void Reset ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

Used for master knifes, to get back to player.

SetPathFollowSpeed () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

void SetPathFollowSpeed ( float Speed ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

Shoot () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

void Shoot ( float Charge, float Range ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }


Charge {: aria-label='Variables' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

float Charge {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }

IsFlying {: aria-label='Variables' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

boolean IsFlying {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }

MaxDistance {: aria-label='Variables' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

float MaxDistance {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }

PathFollowSpeed {: aria-label='Variables' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

float PathFollowSpeed {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }

Unit speed of path moving knifes.

PathOffset {: aria-label='Variables' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

float PathOffset {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }

Rotation {: aria-label='Variables' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

float Rotation {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }

RotationOffset {: aria-label='Variables' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

float RotationOffset {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }

Scale {: aria-label='Variables' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

float Scale {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }

TearFlags {: aria-label='Variables' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

int TearFlags {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }

Last updated

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