Class "ItemConfig::Config"


GetCard () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

Card GetCard ( int ID ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

GetCards () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

CardList GetCards ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

GetCollectible () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

Item GetCollectible ( int ID ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

Returns the Itemobject of a given CollectibleID.

???- example "Example Code" This Code gets the highest possible collectibleid including modded items. It uses the Binary Search algorithm to do it. Using GetCollectible(): (recommended!)

    function GetMaxCollectibleID()
    local id = CollectibleType.NUM_COLLECTIBLES-1
    local step = 16
    while step > 0 do
    if Isaac.GetItemConfig():GetCollectible(id+step) ~= nil then
    id = id + step
    step = step // 2

    return id
Using GetCollectibles(): (**Crashes on Mac OS)**
function GetMaxCollectibleID()
return Isaac.GetItemConfig():GetCollectibles().Size -1


GetCollectibles () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

ItemList GetCollectibles ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

Returns the List of all Collectibles.

???- example "Example Code" This Code gets the highest possible collectibleid including modded items.

    function GetMaxCollectibleID()
    return Isaac.GetItemConfig():GetCollectibles().Size -1

???+ bug "Bugs" The objects stored in the returned list cant be accessed correctly and are therefore useless.

GetCostumes () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

CostumeList GetCostumes ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

???+ bug "Bugs" The Vector/Table returned by this function is always empty!

GetNullItem () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

Item GetNullItem ( int ID ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

GetNullItems () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

ItemList GetNullItems ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

GetPillEffect () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

PillEffect GetPillEffect ( PillEffect PillEffectID ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

GetPillEffects () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

PillList GetPillEffects ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

GetTrinket () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

Item GetTrinket ( int ID ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

GetTrinkets () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .abp .tooltip .badge }

ItemList GetTrinkets ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

IsValidCollectible () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .static .tooltip .badge } {: .abp .tooltip .badge }

static boolean IsValidCollectible ( CollectibleType ID ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

Function to check if a given item id is a valid collectible id (aka. this item exists). Returns True when it exists and False when it doesnt.

???- example "Example Code" This Code checks, if the item "Sad Onion" (ID: 1) exists.


???+ bug "Bugs" This function returns false for modded items! Use itemConfig:GetCollectible() instead.

ShouldAddCostumeOnPickup () {: aria-label='Functions' }

{: .static .tooltip .badge } {: .abp .tooltip .badge }

static boolean ShouldAddCostumeOnPickup ( Item Config ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }

Last updated

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