Class "ItemPool"
AddBibleUpgrade () {: aria-label='Functions' }
void AddBibleUpgrade ( int Add, ItemPoolType PoolType ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
AddRoomBlacklist () {: aria-label='Functions' }
void AddRoomBlacklist ( CollectibleType Item ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
ForceAddPillEffect () {: aria-label='Functions' }
PillColor ForceAddPillEffect ( PillEffect PillEffect ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
Forces a pill effect to be in the pool, usually for challenges, returns PillColor for that effect.
GetCard () {: aria-label='Functions' }
Card GetCard ( int Seed, boolean Playing, boolean Rune, boolean OnlyRunes ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
GetCollectible () {: aria-label='Functions' }
CollectibleType GetCollectible ( ItemPoolType PoolType, boolean Decrease, int Seed ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
GetLastPool () {: aria-label='Functions' }
ItemPoolType GetLastPool ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
GetPill () {: aria-label='Functions' }
PillColor GetPill ( int Seed ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
GetPillEffect () {: aria-label='Functions' }
PillEffect GetPillEffect ( PillColor PillColor ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
GetPoolForRoom () {: aria-label='Functions' }
ItemPoolType GetPoolForRoom ( RoomType RoomType, int Seed ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
GetTrinket () {: aria-label='Functions' }
TrinketType GetTrinket ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
IdentifyPill () {: aria-label='Functions' }
void IdentifyPill ( PillColor PillColor ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
IsPillIdentified () {: aria-label='Functions' }
boolean IsPillIdentified ( PillColor PillColor ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
RemoveCollectible () {: aria-label='Functions' }
boolean RemoveCollectible ( CollectibleType Collectible ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
Removes a collectible from the itempool.
???+ bug "Bugs" This function will always return true, even when the given id does not exist!
RemoveTrinket () {: aria-label='Functions' }
boolean RemoveTrinket ( TrinketType Trinket ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
ResetRoomBlacklist () {: aria-label='Functions' }
void ResetRoomBlacklist ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
ResetTrinkets () {: aria-label='Functions' }
void ResetTrinkets ( ) {: .copyable aria-label='Functions' }
Last updated
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