Class "GridEntityDesc"
Initialized {: aria-label='Variables' }
boolean Initialized {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }
this is will be false when its first created
SpawnCount {: aria-label='Variables' }
int SpawnCount {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }
how often this entity has been spawned
SpawnSeed {: aria-label='Variables' }
int SpawnSeed {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }
State {: aria-label='Variables' }
int State {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }
Type {: aria-label='Variables' }
GridEntityType Type {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }
VarData {: aria-label='Variables' }
int VarData {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }
Additional data to be stored, when State is not enought.
VariableSeed {: aria-label='Variables' }
int VariableSeed {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }
this seed is will be changed based on some events
Variant {: aria-label='Variables' }
int Variant {: .copyable aria-label='Variables' }
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